How to Check the Data Size of Your Excel Spreadsheet on a Mac

"Pink Cheetah"
by:  Tiffany Bohrer

All of Tiffany Bohrer's Original Art can be found at: 

I searched everywhere on the internet for this answer and none of the geeks could come up with an answer that was anywhere close to what was needed to solve a simple problem.  So with my simple B.A. in Fine Arts, I will show you the easy answer to the question: "How to check the data size of your excel spreadsheet on a Mac"  ~  Hopefully you will find my blog first and save yourself a lot of time! 

Simple instructions on how to find the data size of your excel spreadsheet.  

-Right Click on Your Mouse on the excel document on your desktop

-Scroll Down to "Get Info"

-Click on "Get Info" 

- A Box that looks like this will appear with the details of your document.  I now see the size of the document in the top right corner by the title 

-In the box you will also see "General:" and below it will say "Size"    - you will see the size of your document here


We have to wear a lot of hats as small business owners.  Hopefully this will help someone else with this issue that is needed for many tasks.  One of which is uploading emails to your Email Subscription service.  


Tipsy Artist 


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