Fabulous Over 40 Contest - Vote for National Breast Cancer Foundation Su...

"Vintage Coast"
By:  Tiffany Bohrer

Please Vote For Me! 



This Win would provide a huge blessing for our small family run business and fulfill my childhood dream of being a model.

What is your favorite tip to stay fabulous?

Focus on your strengths with optimism, a thankful heart, generosity and sweet tender kindness. Start every morning hearing and speaking uplifting messages. It is so important to speak positive words over your life. I send messages of encouragement to myself and my family and friends every morning to set the path and direction for making our dreams come true. I also work out to start my day so those beautiful endorphins can help kick start motivation and cheerful power!

Who are you in FRIENDS? Rachel, Monica, or Phoebe? And why?

Monica ~ I truly love to organize and have a love affair with labeling just about everything. I am definitely the motherly and level headed friend filled with an exceptional amount of energy! I will take care of you!

What would you do with the $40,000?

I own a small family run business called the Tipsy Artist that teaches thousands of women how to relax and paint. We also run BnBs that serve others with wonderful hospitality and value. The pandemic has been very challenging for our hard working family. I would definitely put this money to fabulous use by creating tremendous overcoming strength for all obstacles we face and provide amazing tools for our infrastructure, education, outreach, and continued growth. We would be so grateful!

"Capistrano Spirit" by Tiffany Bohrer


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